Why spend money on 'ONE' target when you can join our club and have access to over 40 acres of beautiful hardwoods, a 30 target Outdoor Course, 12 outdoor Practice Butts, and 'FULL ACCESS' to the clubhouse immediately upon membership. We believe we are the best value for your money when it comes to practicing archery. Membership with Tomahawk Archers also covers your immediate family(Children up to the age of 18 or until finished with college). Your membership will also provide you discounted rates for our Leagues. A monthly newsletter/e-mail will also keep you up to date and informed of anything going on at Tomahawk Archers. Membership is based on an annual basis with a January 1st start date and ending December 31st of that same year.

If you are interested in joining TOMAHAWK ARCHERS the annual membership fee is $125 with a 'First Year Initiation Fee' of $40. Your first year would be $165 total and $125 for each year to follow. This is much cheaper than any quality target you can purchase for home use. Also, membership provides you access to the grounds and facilities 24/7/365. With your membership you will receive a key that will gain you access to both the outdoor course and the clubhouse at anytime. Part of your membership will require you to put in 10 work hours a year, which can easily be reached by doing various tasks and chores around the club or helping run our monthly shoots. You must also attend at least one meeting a year. You are encouraged as a member to put in as much time as you can to help our club thrive and attend as many meetings and shoots as possible; your ideas and input are always welcome. You can join at any meeting or shoot -both of which are posted on the club 'Functions' pages. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm -except when Leagues are going on, at which time meetings will be held at 6:00pm. We Look Forward to Shooting with You!